
sabato 31 maggio 2014

SMToolbox: Top Tips on Social Media Tools from Ian Cleary of Razor Social

This week I was very lucky to interview Ian Cleary, an expert in social media tools. Ian runs the very popular Razor Social website, which provides independent reviews and advice on social media tools. During our discussion Ian shared his insights into the tools market and his top tips for evaluating and selecting social media tools.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


7 Things We Miss About Myspace

When I first signed up for Myspace, I was reluctant. I wasn’t sure how I felt about social media, but after a bit of peer pressure, I signed up. After only a few minutes, I knew this was going to be my newest obsession. More than a decade later, I realize there are things about Myspace that were really innovative.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Smartphones and the Rise of Contextual Apps

The new development in the world of smartphone applications is something called “contextual apps.” Contextual apps are mobile apps that can figure out where we are or what we are looking at and then present us with all kinds of information about that spot.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Top Ten #GoogleGlass Myths Explained

Recently I have been using my Google Glasses for everything from traveling with Glass to keeping updated on the top news stories through my Glassware and without a doubt I am finding them invaluable. As with all new tech, there’s a lot of speculation about what Google Glass will and will not do.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


LinkedIn Basics: Don't Ignore These 6 Areas!

LinkedIn is an important social network for professionals, business owners and job seekers alike. It can help introduce us to new people, reconnect us with ones we may have lost touch with and bring new business opportunities (clients) our way. These six areas are the basics for getting your profile in shape.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


venerdì 30 maggio 2014

How We Reduced Our Bounce Rate by 20% Overnight

Chances are you know what your website’s rate is, but many site owners just don’t know how important this number really is. So what is a bounce rate anyway and why should you be watching it? Your bounce rate is the number of visitors who land on one of your web pages and then immediately click back or leave in some way.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Many Personalities of a Great Copywriter

Let me introduce myself. I’m, um, I’m, uh … Hmm. I had this a minute ago. But suddenly I’m a different person. I’m wearing a different hat. I have different strengths and skills. It’s like I switched gears. The chains fall into a different combination of sprockets and I’m cruising along with an entirely different personality.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The 6 Stages of the Enterprise Content Marketing Maturity Model

Many marketing analysts, writers and thought leaders have chimed in on what they believe the content marketing maturity model should look like. The Altimeter Group, Forrester, TopRank and likely others have weighed in. What do they all have in common so far? They simply don’t go far enough.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Using PR to Grow Your Business

The traditional model of PR relied on media such as radio, television and newspapers to spread the word and talk to potential customers. However, with 67% of the typical B2B buyer’s journey now done digitally, the need for quality integrated PR is greater than ever.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Augmented Intelligence Team at Evernote Is Evolving It Into a Smarter External Brain

Technology is becoming smarter. We want machines to be far superior than humans and serve us with minimal manual effort. Intelligence amplification or augmented intelligence (AI) is making this possible. Bay Area-based notetaking and archiving startup Evernote is building intelligent solutions to help their customers with a team devoted entirely to AI.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


We're Talking About Practice, Man!

Allen Iverson had a heck of an NBA career, but what he’ll probably be remembered for most didn’t take place on the court. Every sports fan has seen the highlights of the infamous post-game press conference in which Iverson ranted about the meaninglessness of practice. Which begs the question: How important is practice to your sales strategy?

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Quick and Dirty Guide to Blog Writing

In the digital age of content marketing, a marketer’s greatest weapon is blog posting. Coming up with a constant stream of quality content can be a daunting task for even the most skilled marketer. Therefore, it is highly important to fine-tune your strategy at every step of the blog content creation process.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Quest For Great Content [INFOGRAPHIC]

There are considerable growing pains that marketers are experiencing as they try to meet an increased demand for content marketing. Here's an infographic from Wpromote discussing some of the bottlenecks content marketers are facing and offers some possible solutions and tips in the quest for more great content.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Social Listening: Who's Got The (Turkey) Bacon?

I was surprised and intrigued by my social media foray into turkey bacon -- the rich consumer insights, virtues sung, even all the unfettered social indignation toward turkey bacon. All of which offer marketing innovation potential based on the sizzling bacon crackle. Who will have the last gobble among the competitors?

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


May 2014 – What’s New in Marketing?

giovedì 29 maggio 2014

Is How You Serve Your Customers Costing You Business?

As a small business owner I'm grateful for those occasions when I experience poor customer service. Unfortunately, they happen way too often. But I'm grateful for those occasions nonetheless because, when I'm on the receiving end of poor service, it serves as a strong reminder of why each and every customer needs to receive first class care!

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


7 Things to Do Before You Launch a Content Marketing Campaign

Make no mistake: If you just start posting company Facebook updates without any kind of formal planning, your content marketing efforts are unlikely to bear any fruit. Better to take the time to fully prepare yourself and your team, following the steps below.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Strong Arm Tactics to Monetize Facebook: What Zuckerberg Doesn't Want You to Know

Have we become too reliant upon Facebook? It is a valid question to ask, but is it too late to consider it? Not for Facebook. Creating a culture of reliance upon their gratis offerings, Facebook has long been the “enabler”. People build, attract and grow communities within the Facebook network, all the while each new user, group, interaction helps in the data mining and focus of the Facebook marketing machine.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Whisper Campaigns and Why Spin Sucks

We recently had a client ask us to do something unethical. He’s a great client and we’ve worked together for years. He had no idea what he was asking was wrong…because he’s seen his peers do it in other circumstances. When I put my foot down, he was embarrassed and, though he teased me about our strict ethics a bit, he was appreciative of our telling him no and explaining why.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Basic Steps to Secure the Social Media Accounts of Your Business

Everyone on this site loves to have good long talks about what you can do to make your social media account more successful, and that’s great. But it also makes you a target. Hackers love stealing popular social media accounts as unpopular ones are no good to them, read on and I’ll help you keep that popular social media account under your control!

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Socially Stephanie: Visual Communications for the Graphically Impaired

"Dear Socially Stephanie: I suck at graphic design. I've just never been a very visual person. Do I have to use images in my social media presence? Or could I get away with a text-based presence?" The short answer is no - but there's no need to panic, because there are plenty of great tools out there for the graphically challenged.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


3 Best Tools to Gain More Twitter Followers

Gaining Twitter followers is no easy task. Well, for some anyways. There are many articles on the subject of gaining Twitter followers, but in this article I've boiled down the 3 best tools and services to jumpstart your Twitter marketing efforts and gain a following fast.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Social CRM: What It Is and Why It Is Important for Business

There is a shift occurring in the way that business is being conducted. The traditional forms of marketing and sales are slowly being phased out for an increasingly social and interactive approach. New business models have formed from this rapidly evolving sales environment and it is important for businesses to stay on top of this alternative paradigm.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


6 Research-Backed Ways to Get More Followers on Twitter, Facebook, G+, and More

Follower count is often considered one of the vainest of vanity metrics. I can relate. I've had my fair share of ego tied to that golden number on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn---pointing out my follower growth to a friend one day and archiving emails just as fast as I could when growth doesn't come.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


5 Essential Rules for Effective Content Marketing

Content marketing is its own kind of beast. Dependent on strong creative writing abilities and a fine knack for business; it is a profession that is fast-paced and in huge demand throughout the globe. Every business depends on content marketers to establish strong marketing campaigns, provide creative insight and help shape a company’s public perception.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


What Personalized TV Means for Content Marketing

How long has it been since you were excited about watching commercials during a television broadcast? With the exception of the Super Bowl, probably never. Internet TV executives recognize the annoyance that commercials cause, and are banking on a personalized content experience becoming common the near future.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Your Brand Strategy is Only as Good as Your Social Data

With the rise of big data and social networks that collect demographic data points on Internet users every second they are on the web, there are so many more opportunities for marketers to get their hands on useful information that will help them target consumers more effectively.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Google Cracks Down on Spam with Panda 4.0 Algorithm Update  

Apparently, Google doesn’t plan to stop pulling rabbits out of its white hat anytime soon. Over the past weekend, Google has started rolling out a brand-new algorithm update, Panda 4.0, designed to win the battle with spam, in all its forms. What's going to separate the winners from the losers?

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Putting Metrics to Work: Selecting the Actionable Data from Facebook Insights

With social media, we can now collect customer data from reporting tools like Facebook Insights. We sifted through Insights to find the easiest ways to convert this information to boost your bottom line. Here are our top three metrics to watch.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Connected Customers Are Invisible to Those Who Value Demographics

Meet your new customers…Generation-C. You may in fact already be part of this movement. Generation C is not identifiable by demographics or generic personas. Generation C is a lifestyle…it’s everyone who lives a digital life. They’re connected and they’re in control.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Managing Digital Era Risks: Social Media Policies and More

Every organization needs to think about and be prepared to manage the risks associated with operating in the Digital Era. It doesn’t matter how large the organization is, whether it’s for-profit, BtoB or BtoC, or which industry or sector it operates in. To put it simply: If you employ people, you should have a social media policy – and more!

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Bridging the Gap Between Customer Service and Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social Customer Service seems to have finally reached a tipping point and is slowly being embraced by traditional customer service staff. It's increasingly a part of the contact center environment and often sits alongside voice, webchat and email. Yet, social media requires a very different approach to traditional customer service.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


A Day in the Life of the Social Web [INFOGRAPHIC]

There are over 7 billion people in the world, many of whom regularly use the social web in meaningful ways. Think you understand the scope of the online world? Think again. Here is an infographic from our pals at Uberflip visualizing what everyone is up to.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How Does Your Organization Define Innovation?

The first, and arguably most common, sees innovation as the creation of truly unique things. These groundbreaking discoveries are indeed incredibly valuable, but they’re also pretty rare. Much more common is a recombination of already existing things in new ways.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Build Your Future-Proof Mobile Strategy: A Firm Foundation

US adults now spend more time with dig­i­tal media—primarily mobile—than with their tele­vi­sions. Recent Nielsen data shows that con­sumers pre­fer mobile apps, spend­ing “89 per­cent of media time in mobile” using social net­work­ing, email, and con­tent apps.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Utilizing a Small Budget to Make a Big Point with Viral Marketing

Viral content is an excellent way to get a business a load of attention in a short amount of time while maximizing their current tools and sources – a brain and the Internet. Just because your budget is small doesn’t mean you can’t have the same impact on social media as the giant brands.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Graphics and Video Boost Social Media Success

Social media was born from the need and desire to share news and ideas (aka content) with lots of people as quickly as possible. Email and bulletin boards arguably served this purpose for a long time before early internet sites like GeoCities and Friendster. These new approaches emphasised personal interests and encouraged users to create profiles for themselves, including photographs

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Building a Website That Works

Your website needs to work. That’s obvious. But what does “working” really mean? Well, probably just as obviously, that will depend on what your website does and how it fits into your overall marketing. Here are a few thoughts on what you should be paying attention to as you plan and build – or rebuild – your website to be sure it “works” as a marketing tool.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


3 Talking Points Following Success on Kickstarter

You've just successfully funded your product or service on Kickstarter. It might have taken you a couple of attempts, especially if you are a newcomer to your industry. There are a select few Kickstarter campaigns that not only reach their goals the first time around but completely blow by the goals in question.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


3 Ways To Grow Your Email List

Email marketing is a valuable tool in your personal branding strategy, but you may be wondering how you can find the right subscribers for your list. Here are three types of activities you can implement that will attract people to your email list – and your personal brand.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Beyond Engagement: B2B Advocacy - How Does It Work?

Does employee advocacy work for B2B companies? The short answer is “Yes.” It works just fine, but let’s take a closer look to discover why. In this article, we’ll focus on sales campaigns, but the principles for brand promotion or recruitment programs are the same.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


What Do Yerdle, the Collaborative Economy and the Social Shake-Up Have in Common?

Everybody is taking about the Collaborative Economy. This “trend” has been a long time coming but was finally given a name that has gained a lot of traction. What is it? And what is Yerdle? Why do you want to be a part of it? Find out in this blog and at the Social Shake Up Conference in Atlanta in September 2014.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Content Curation, Content Marketing and Facebook's New Policies

A new update from Facebook’s elders has quelled previously whispered rumors that they would kill off all sharing from third party apps. In reality, it turns out they will actually be giving less weight to stories that are “implicitly shared.” Implicit sharing occurs when someone clicks “Share” on a story through a third-party app, without creating a unique message for the post.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Part Two: Risk vs Reward with Cisco CMO Blair Christie [VIDEO]

Blair discusses in this 20-minute interview how to find the perfect balance between both the art and science of marketing. As a numbers driven marketer, she shares her insights on sales teams and how they can become more efficient with the help of big data.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


14 Insights Gleaned from the Speakeasy Community Manager Interview Series

Over at Speakeasy, our own Taisa Veras has interviewed a slew of awesome community managers from organizations like PSFK, Spartan Race and Vitamin T to get their insights on reaching their audiences, earning engagement, developing new campaigns and more. In this round up, we’re sharing some their best tips.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


mercoledì 28 maggio 2014

Analytics and Prospect Intel: Discovering Your Ideal Prospect

As a salesperson, you probably spend a lot of time researching prospects and getting prospect intel on their purchasing decisions. You may have even paid a company to do a massive demographics run on your current and past customers. When it comes to your “target audience,” you couldn’t be more honed. Or could you?

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Top Social Efforts to Boost Referral Traffic to Your Website

Though social media can often times be a long term investment, many of us are faced with the challenge of measuring short term results. Referral traffic can be one important metric within your social media evaluation program. Here’s a comparison of which social media channels generate the most referral traffic and highest ROI.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


56 Lessons from 20 Years of Online Community Building

Ever wonder what it takes to succeed with online community strategy and operations? Here are fifty-six lessons culled from twenty years of online community building experience. So many lessons, so much to learn.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


A Closer Look at Native Advertising

Similar to “advertorials,” native advertising is designed to be entertaining enough in its own right to compel visitors to consume, be influenced by, and even share the content, be it videos, images, articles, or music, based only on the targeted and contextual appeal that holds on its own.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Can Sentiment Analysis Spot Sarcasm?

It is widely accepted that one of the most challenging elements of sentiment analysis is identifying sarcasm. I've been thinking about how we may overcome this obstacle and, having recently attended a data analytics event, I've been thinking what else we can pull into the equation to get to a more accurate sentiment score.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Maximize - But Don't Overuse - Social Media Marketing

Determine your target market then strategize your social networking activities in such a way that you get their attention. This will determine what pictures you are going to post, what write-ups your profile will require, and what gimmicks will work for your product.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Founder vs. CEO: How to Scale Your Business

A few years ago, I was in a meeting with my mentor and coach and he said to me, “Do you want to be a really good communications professional or a really good business grower?” I was reminded of this conversation recently when a friend asked for my advice on growing his PR firm.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


9 New Social Media Statistics and What They Really Mean

68% of marketers plan to increase their blogging in the near future. This was the #1 tactic that marketers said they wanted to do more of, which is staggering given blogging’s maturity. Not asked was whether that increase would be via owned blogs, or on third-party thought aggregators like Medium and Linkedin. Evidently – at least according to this survey – blogging is far from over.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Totally Insane Ways to Triple Your Click Through Rate

What’s the average click-through rate for a Google AdWords ad? When people ask this question, it’s often because they want to benchmark their own ad CTR’s. Unfortunately, way too many advertisers are content to reach an average click-through rate and leave it at that.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Manage Social Media Across Platforms With Spredfast Engage

The team at Spredfast recognize that businesses use multiple applications in their marketing and have developed a neat way to allow their customers to use Spredfast across these applications. We take a look at the Spredfast Engage Button, which is launched today.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Why Controversy Works for Digital Campaigns, and Why You Should be Trying It

If you want to get people talking about your brand, increase Twitter mentions, Facebook Likes and YouTube views, a controversial social media campaign will do that. If you’re looking to convert those views, mentions and Likes into customers however, you’re going to have to work a bit harder and work out how you can make controversy work for you.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How to Avoid the 4 Common Mistakes Most Companies Make in Digital Marketing

Managing your entire digital marketing strategy is not easy. With an ever growing number of software options and services, it becomes very difficult to stay focused. One minute someone is telling you to do email marketing, then social media, and then blogging. Oh and by the way, run a business.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


From Employee to Advocate: Mobilize Your Team to Share Your Brand Content

This week I moderated another webinar from the Social Media Today Best Thinker webinar series, this time on the topic of "From Employee to Advocate: Mobilize Your Team to Share Your Brand Content." This webinar was sponsored by SocialChorus.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How Social Media Sites Are Taking Advantage of Machine Learning

It would be an extreme understatement to say social media is popular. Considering the hundreds of millions of people that regularly check their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, it’s no stretch to say that social media has become a regular part of life. In fact, 63% of Facebook users log into the social networking site at least once a day.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Great Facebook Fail: It's All Your Fault

Hey you, you forgot the basics and now look what’s happened. Where is the center of your social media universe? Facebook? Well then we have a clear #Fail. The primary goal of social media networking and sharing has always been to lead the viewer back to your “home base.”

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


A Search Engine Optimization Strategy for Content Marketing Success

Search Engine Optimization (or simply SEO) is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” listings on search engines. All the major search engines including Google, Yahoo and Bing present search results along with links to web pages and other content including videos or local listings.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


martedì 27 maggio 2014

Social Media Tips from Successful Brands

To say that social media has changed the way people interact with one another is an understatement. Social media and its countless array of Internet-based tools and platforms have become an integral part of modern society from sharing photos and videos to connecting with old friends and relatives.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


3 Brands That Do Crowdsourcing Right

When it comes to customer engagement, there are some brands that just do it right. Each audience is different and expects a certain type of brand to customer interaction depending on your brand’s persona. Even between social media platforms, companies should make sure to tailor the message accordingly.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


What's the Optimal Length for a Blog Post?

One question that’s always asked about blogging is ‘What is the optimal length for a blog post?’ It’s a logical question to ask – if you’re looking to invest more time into boosting your online presence, you need to have some idea of how much time it'll take.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


5 Questions to Ask Before Jumping on the Social Bandwagon

I get it, every time there’s a new, fun social media platform developed, you can’t hold your excitement to jump on the bandwagon and play around with it. But when it comes to companies joining social media platforms it’s important to take a step back and ask yourself a few questions.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How to Balance Your Professional Brand and Personal Brand on Social Media

Whether it’s intentional or not, your personal and professional brand on social media overlap. Followers on LinkedIn might hunt down your Instagram account. Facebook friends will find you on Twitter. It can be hard to keep the professional brand professional when the audience contains as many friends and family members as it does clients and coworkers.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


12 Free Social Media Hacks to Fuel Your Content Marketing Efforts

Using social media hacks, we can take full advantage of the intricacies associated with each social network so that we maximize our content marketing efforts. In this post, we’ll discuss twelve social media hacks which can bring additional exposure and traffic to your content and website.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


From Employee to Advocate: Mobilize Your Team to Share Your Brand Content [WEBINAR REPLAY]

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How to Create a Story for Your Content Marketing

Content marketing is all about storytelling. Without a story, it's a lot harder to create content (and it's a lot harder to have a reason to create that content). In this post, I want to help you think more clearly about the story behind your business.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Essentials of Social Media Training for Students

In January 2014, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed a bill requiring all public schools to teach students how to use social media responsibly. The bill mandates students in sixth through eighth grades receive the instruction starting in the 2014-15 school year.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Celebrity and Other Influence Marketing Speak

In the current age of influence communications, celebrity suggestion has been fundamental for PR, advertising, and marketing methodology. This post talks a bit about influencer potential, but focuses ultimately on your business’s channel modulation being at least as important as celebrity recommendations.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Dear Marketers, Enough with the Fluff

As a marketer, it’s no surprise that I’m inundated with content on a daily basis. I check through at least a dozen Google Alerts every morning, browse through SocialMediaToday and MarketingProfs, and receive tons of e-mails about articles I should be reading.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How Marketers Are Using Social Media to Grow Their Businesses [2014 Industry Report]

Last week the Social Media Examiner published their 6th annual social media marketing industry report about how marketers are using social media to grow and promote their businesses. For the 2014 report, they interviewed over 2,800 marketers -- here's what they found.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


10 Secrets to Using Social Media to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

When Google introduced their new algorithm, Hummingbird, the way we, as a business use social media has changed. You may be missing out on important tricks that could help you drive more traffic to your website. Want to improve your social media to benefit your website? Keep reading.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Get More Facebook Likes for Your Business Page with These 4 Tips

Are you not getting the likes and traffic to your Facebook Page that you are looking for? Creating an effective business page is the easy part, but getting people to become a fan of it is an entirely different process. Here are several ways you can transform your page into a successful one.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Big Data Isn't The Answer

According to Paige O’Neill on Marketing Pilgrim, When It Comes To Data, Big Is Not Always Better. I agree completely! Most of us have no idea what a petabyte is (one million gigabytes) but about a third of businesses will be managing that much data by the end of the year.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Solid Ways for Lead Generation through Social Media

Are you looking for new ways to generate leads through Social Media? Over the last few years, social media has emerged as an effective tool for generating leads. Existing and potential customers are using social platforms to discover new offerings and also educating themselves.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


4 Dull Things You Need When Your Web Site Launches

Are you getting ready to launch your web site? In the head rush that comes with so much activity, it's easy to forget that there are less exciting things you need to do and have secure when your site launches. They're just as important, and their impact is arguably much bigger.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How Do You Turn Blog readers Into Paying Customers?

Blogging can be an amazing experience. It can also be the most draining, tiring, frustrating, and demoralizing thing you will do as an online entrepreneur. The main reason for this is that it takes a really long time to see results from your efforts.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


What Guides Your Content Strategy?

Just think about it: having an excellent content strategy is like having money in the bank. There’s at least one good reason why you should always plan ahead when it comes to crafting content: it’s easier to reach your destination when you know where you’re heading.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Social Channels and the Virality of Online Content

Terabytes or even zettabytes of information are being generated on the internet and via the social networks. Trying to capture these massive audiences can be a challenge, but applying certain rules of engagement will go a long way.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


What It Takes to Be a Damn Good Internet Marketing Entrepreneur

Before I share with you what I learned along the way to success (and sometimes failure), I want to ask you to think carefully for a few seconds. If you were to write down one word that encapsulates the thing you need most to be a damn good entrepreneur in the search and social world, what would it be?

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


From Employee to Advocate: Mobilize Your Team to Share Your Brand Content [WEBINAR REPLAY]

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


12 Free Social Media Hacks to Fuel Your Content Marketing Efforts

Using social media hacks, we can take full advantage of the intricacies associated with each social network so that we maximize our content marketing efforts. In this post, we’ll discuss twelve social media hacks which can bring additional exposure and traffic to your content and website.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Essentials of Social Media Training for Students

In January 2014, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed a bill requiring all public schools to teach students how to use social media responsibly. The bill mandates students in sixth through eighth grades receive the instruction starting in the 2014-15 school year.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How Marketers Are Using Social Media to Grow Their Businesses [2014 Industry Report]

Last week the Social Media Examiner published their 6th annual social media marketing industry report about how marketers are using social media to grow and promote their businesses. For the 2014 report, they interviewed over 2,800 marketers -- here's what they found.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


4 Dull Things You Need When Your Web Site Launches

Are you getting ready to launch your web site? In the head rush that comes with so much activity, it's easy to forget that there are less exciting things you need to do and have secure when your site launches. They're just as important, and their impact is arguably much bigger.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Celebrity and Other Influence Marketing Speak

In the current age of influence communications, celebrity suggestion has been fundamental for PR, advertising, and marketing methodology. This post talks a bit about influencer potential, but focuses ultimately on your business’s channel modulation being at least as important as celebrity recommendations.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Social Channels and the Virality of Online Content

Terabytes or even zettabytes of information are being generated on the internet and via the social networks. Trying to capture these massive audiences can be a challenge, but applying certain rules of engagement will go a long way.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


10 Secrets to Using Social Media to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

When Google introduced their new algorithm, Hummingbird, the way we, as a business use social media has changed. You may be missing out on important tricks that could help you drive more traffic to your website. Want to improve your social media to benefit your website? Keep reading.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


What's the Optimal Length for a Blog Post?

One question that’s always asked about blogging is ‘What is the optimal length for a blog post?’ It’s a logical question to ask – if you’re looking to invest more time into boosting your online presence, you need to have some idea of how much time it'll take.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


5 Questions to Ask Before Jumping on the Social Bandwagon

I get it, every time there’s a new, fun social media platform developed, you can’t hold your excitement to jump on the bandwagon and play around with it. But when it comes to companies joining social media platforms it’s important to take a step back and ask yourself a few questions.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How to Balance Your Professional Brand and Personal Brand on Social Media

Whether it’s intentional or not, your personal and professional brand on social media overlap. Followers on LinkedIn might hunt down your Instagram account. Facebook friends will find you on Twitter. It can be hard to keep the professional brand professional when the audience contains as many friends and family members as it does clients and coworkers.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


lunedì 26 maggio 2014

Big Data Isn't The Answer

According to Paige O’Neill on Marketing Pilgrim, When It Comes To Data, Big Is Not Always Better. I agree completely! Most of us have no idea what a petabyte is (one million gigabytes) but about a third of businesses will be managing that much data by the end of the year.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Solid Ways for Lead Generation through Social Media

Are you looking for new ways to generate leads through Social Media? Over the last few years, social media has emerged as an effective tool for generating leads. Existing and potential customers are using social platforms to discover new offerings and also educating themselves.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How Do You Turn Blog readers Into Paying Customers?

Blogging can be an amazing experience. It can also be the most draining, tiring, frustrating, and demoralizing thing you will do as an online entrepreneur. The main reason for this is that it takes a really long time to see results from your efforts.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


What Guides Your Content Strategy?

Just think about it: having an excellent content strategy is like having money in the bank. There’s at least one good reason why you should always plan ahead when it comes to crafting content: it’s easier to reach your destination when you know where you’re heading.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Get More Facebook Likes for Your Business Page with These 4 Tips

Are you not getting the likes and traffic to your Facebook Page that you are looking for? Creating an effective business page is the easy part, but getting people to become a fan of it is an entirely different process. Here are several ways you can transform your page into a successful one.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How To Create a Story For Your Content Marketing

Content marketing is all about storytelling. Without a story, it's a lot harder to create content (and it's a lot harder to have a reason to create that content). In this post, I want to help you think more clearly about the story behind your business.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Social Media Mistakes To Avoid For Your Business

Social media is a key component of success in today’s world, and the majority of businesses are now investing a huge amount of time and money in order to thrive in this environment. Mistakes will be made when it comes to social media, but here are the major ones to avoid.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Dear Marketers, Enough with the Fluff

As a marketer, it’s no surprise that I’m inundated with content on a daily basis. I check through at least a dozen Google Alerts every morning, browse through SocialMediaToday and MarketingProfs, and receive tons of e-mails about articles I should be reading.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


domenica 25 maggio 2014

What It Takes to Be a Damn Good Internet Marketing Entrepreneur

Before I share with you what I learned along the way to success (and sometimes failure), I want to ask you to think carefully for a few seconds. If you were to write down one word that encapsulates the thing you need most to be a damn good entrepreneur in the search and social world, what would it be?

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Important LinkedIn SWAM Update

If you are an active LinkedIn user and an active participant on LinkedIn Discussion Groups, you are probably aware of the controversy that has surrounded LinkedIn’s SWAM policy. While SWAM aimed to cut down the level of spam being posted in Discussion Groups, it has been a huge thorn in the side of many well-intentioned and legitimate LinkedIn users.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


5 Ways to Kill It on Social Media That Have Nothing to Do with Content

Great content is an important component of a greater equation for how you can provide value to your targeted audience and positively address your business goals. But therein lies the crux of what this post is about: content is only part of the equation for how you can provide value to your targeted audience.

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Unscrambling The Myths About Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

Today, it's important for brand and marketers to be agile, to be able to adapt to consumer dynamics and synchronize with the modern tech culture. Companies that can't provide real-time, relevant content and experiences will all too quickly become obsolete.

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Which Social Network Should My Organization Be Using?

Ushering your business or organization into the world of social media can be a frightening experience. The first rule you need to know: not every company, non-profit or state agency should be on every social network or use them in the same way.

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How to Measure the Impact of User Generated Content

Certainly one of the biggest barriers to entry in the world of user generated content is proving its benefits and advantages to the boss. Sure, identifying brand influencers and increasing social mentions are nice, but what are some hard metrics you can present?

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


5 Steps to More Effective YouTube Video Ads

We watch more than 6 billion hours of video on YouTube every month, which represents a major opportunity for businesses to reach their audiences active on this network every day. Spending on online video advertising will increase by 38.9% and reach $5.75 billion by the end of 2014.

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6 Ideas For Keeping Up With Content Demands

By following these 6 tips, you will find that you aren’t as overwhelmed with your content demand as when you started. Implement these into your next content strategy and feel the unwanted stress of meeting demands disappear! This is perfect for crafting that awesome content you’ve always dreamed of.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Word-of-Mouth Advertising Can Be Bad For Business

Building a small business can be tough. Too much work and not enough time or staff to get it done, in a timely fashion, leads to unmet customer expectations that can negatively impact your business. Word-of-mouth advertising, in these scenarios, can be bad for business!

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Social Media Best Practices in Travel: LinkedIn

While there are plenty of options and networks where travelers can share comments, photos or reviews, allowing for interactions between travel brands and consumers, one social media clearly stands out when it’s time to focus on B2B, or business-to-business: LinkedIn.

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sabato 24 maggio 2014

SMToolbox: Bringing Together SEO, Social and Content Marketing with gShift

The future of SEO is closely tied to content marketing, which is increasingly recognized through terms such as social content, content SEO and social content marketing. This week in SMToolbox I take a look at gShift, a tool that embraces search, content marketing and social.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Gun Politics Trigger Social Media Policy Failure

When state legislators threatened to cut funding to the University of Kansas because a journalism professor sent out an angry tweet blaming the NRA for the Washington Navy Yard Shooting, the Kansas Board of Regents issued a Draconian social media policy to try and deter faculty and staff from saying anything that could encite scrutiny from elected state officials.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Are You into Twitterstorms and Tweetchats?

We all know that Twitter was conceived to exchange information in short message format. But it has evolved to much more. There are Tweetstorms, Tweetchats, Twitterwalls, etc., which are creating a lot of commotion about the usage of Twitter. People are getting disenchanted with the users of these practices but are they really all that bad?

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Building a Brand? The Secret to Great Facebook Graphics

As we all know, images when shared on social media hold so much power and when done right, it can really help your business grow its online exposure. More than 60% of social media is made up of pictures and this is because people are seeing how powerful a great graphic can be.

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Top 5 Ingredients For A Successful Instagram Campaign!

Despite having the highest engagement among all social media platforms, few companies have truly tried to tap into Instagram's potential to create campaigns to engage with their audiences and there are a few possible reasons that have attributed to this.

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Are Your Social Media Landing Pages Ready for Prime Time?

For businesses these days, maintaining a Twitter and Facebook account is as important as having a telephone number. In many cases, more so. Customer engagement on social media is at an all-time high and shows no signs of slowing down.

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Here's Why Google Is Interested In Buying Twitch - ESPN Of Video Games For $1 Billion

The recent buzz about Google’s YouTube reaching a deal to buy Twitch, a popular videogame-streaming company for more than $1 billion, seems to be part of the more general idea that everything, music, games, and video, is moving in the direction of streaming.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Ethan McCarty is Moving to Bloomberg as Global Head of Internal Communications

It was a great pleasure last year to interview Ethan McCarty, who, along with Susan Emerick, did so much for listening (the IBM Design Labs) and employee advocacy in IBM Global Marketing. McCarty is moving to Bloomberg, where without doubt he will make his mark.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Your Online Reputation: Keeping It Intact on the Social Media Platforms

When you are running a business you need to keep an extremely important thing in mind: no matter what you do, you will never be able to satisfy everybody. A lot of people will continue to post negative reviews about whatever you do. No matter what they feel, you need to care about it.

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venerdì 23 maggio 2014

Social Media for Your Business: Finding the Time

The most common excuse for small businesses not being active on social media is almost always that there isn't enough time. Hey, I can relate. Running a small business usually means working 80-100 hours each week, and that's just taking care of the everyday run-of-the-mill stuff to make sure that you'll still be open for business next week.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


A Tweet from Your Toaster: How the Internet of Things Will Affect Social Media

It is predicted that the Internet of Things will encompass over 50 billion devices by the year 2020, and as more and more devices are made “smart,” we’re going to start seeing some fairly drastic changes in the way that our world works and how we interact with it.

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Are You Loud and Clear on Social Media?

The exponential growth of the social media has made it an indispensable tool for online marketing today. The question everyone asks is, “How do you run a successful social media marketing campaign?” I’ll try to answer that in this post and also take a sneak peep at what’s in store for social media marketing in the rest of this year.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


6 Tips to Boost Your Twitter Conversations

Are you struggling to build an engaging Twitter community? Do you want to lead relevant conversations, but aren’t sure where to begin? Your top priority should be creating helpful, authentic interactions. In this article I’ll tell you six ways you can start Twitter conversations and keep your followers’ attention.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Internet of Things: Time for a Name Change?

The "internet of things" is a silly and poorly thought out way of describing our connected world, because things may have intelligence but it is people, not things, that make the Internet the most powerful connector of resources, intelligence and information on the planet.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


10 Blog Posts That Will Turn Your Business Into a Blogging Powerhouse

As the old adage goes, “nothing worth having comes easy,” and blogs are definitely worth having. To help your business become an online authority in your industry, here’s a list of our top 10 blogs on blogging that will surely help your business reach its content production goals.

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giovedì 22 maggio 2014

What's the Problem with Yelp?

What’s the problem with Yelp? One, there’s really nothing you can do when your company gets a bad review. Business owners can comment once on the review. That’s it. And the damage is done. With the social currency of Yelp high, your ratings are directly affected by even just one bad review.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


5 PR Lessons I Learned from Mr. T.

Mr. T as I remember him in the ’80s I didn’t know it at the time, but many of the lessons that have shaped the man I am today came from the TV shows I watched as a kid. And, in some cases, those shows taught me a bit about my future career. Yes, I am saying that I learned PR lessons from ‘80s television.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Socially Stephanie: How to Market Your Mobile App

"Dear Socially Stephanie: I'm currently working on an app. While the launch is still some time away, what should I be doing to prepare? I want to get as much excitement around the app as possible before the launch and then go hard once it launches to make sure I get a lot of downloads from the get-go. Do you have a strategy I could follow?"

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


People Love LinkedIn’s Who’s Viewed Your Profile Feature

My initial thoughts on the “Who’s Viewed Your Profile" option on LinkedIn were, “Wow, this is creepy!” But it makes sense. Naturally, we as humans are kind of narcissistic and curious. It’s natural that we look at others profiles to see what they are doing and we want to know who’s looking at ours.

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How To Use Facebook Custom Audiences and Website Data to Achieve 3 Key Marketing Goals

Now, with Facebook's Custom Audiences targeting tool, you can use first-party data from your website to increase the effectiveness of your Facebook campaigns. We show you how this tool achieves three common marketing goals - remarketing, acquiring new customers, and scaling successful audiences.

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What Does it Take to be a Great Content Marketer?

As a content marketer, you’re writing something every day. Whether your daily marketing objectives are to pump out a 1,500 word blog article, tweet 15 times, create two engaging Facebook updates, send out multiple emails or even engage in community outreach with public speaking, a great content marketer loves communicating through words.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Using Social Media to Support Your Activism Goals

Sites like Facebook and Instagram can quickly become catalysts for change because they allow messages to reach far and wide in just a few seconds. In fact, Facebook will soon expand the availability of a tool people can use to proudly call themselves voters.

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Why Women are the Real Power Behind Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

Never underestimate of the power of a woman, especially when combined with social media. From the number of active users on a social network to the frequency of their interaction with other users and brands, women are a powerful force in the social media realm. Curious how much power women hold on social media?

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Social Media for Business: What's Changing in 2014

As expected, social media will continue to evolve and that is no different for 2014. We are close to half way through the year and so much has happened in social, and there is more to come. So, what’s changing in 2014? This year has seen a 2% increase on marketers using social listening strategies compared to last year.

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Measurement: Best Practices in Turning Insight into Action

This week I moderated another webinar from the Social Media Today Best Thinker webinar series, this time on the topic of "Measurement: Best Practices in Turning Insight into Action." The webinar included a great group of panelists: Will McInnes of BrandWatch, Travis Bernard of AOL, and Steven Burchett a specialist in digital insights & analytics.

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The No. 1 Social Media Marketing Mistake Nonprofits Make

Nonprofits are getting good at social media. Real good. They're raising money, recruiting volunteers and generating supporters. But there's one misstep I see often that might be holding them back from realizing their true potential: Only performing outreach through one branded channel.

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It Is Time for Brands to Bring Their Social Media Home

This week we had the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of Scott Monty as he left Ford to begin a new chapter in his storybook career. As we were celebrating Scott, we had the opportunity to also look back at social media over the past seven years, as well as where social media is heading.

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How to Navigate Today's Fragmented Social Media Landscape

Engagement and active usage on Facebook are down, while relative newcomers—Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr—are seeing gains. Are the signs pointing to a demise of the social networking giant? Probably not. But marketers do need an action plan for navigating today's cluttered social media landscape.

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Social Media Tips for Agencies

Quite frankly, it's amazing to me how many social dashboard companies out there have products that seem to be the equivalent of a toy rather than a tool. Are they marketing to real businesses, or just the occasional wannabe social media "guru" who has read a few articles and started their own Facebook page? Whoopee, you're big time now.

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Social Media Engagement: Are You Doing It Right?

Social media engagement is a core part of any social media strategy, but so many of us skimp out on this major business opportunity. To really succeed at social media engagement, you need to take your strategy a step further by being proactive, listening, and engaging.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How-To: Hire an SEO Agency to Slaughter Your Site

Outsourcing can increase capacity - allowing your team to focus on what they do best. But wait. Here is how to ruin your site, and pay an SEO for the privilege. There are ways to find great companies - also included!

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


4 Steps to Laying the Groundwork for Case Studies

Case studies are an excellent way to demonstrate the value of your offering, and illustrate how a client uniquely benefited from them. As buyers increasingly conduct research independently using social media and vast online sources, case studies have become crucial to content marketing efforts.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Takeaways from This Social Startup's Winning Business Plan

Melanie Witkower didn’t have a formally written business plan when I interviewed her for the Social Media Today Social Startups column. So I was glad when she reached out to me to share Screen-Bridge’s recent good news: they won $20,000 in the Panasci Business Plan Competition.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Key Considerations for B2B Social Strategy

Define your objectives. Understand your audience. Measure your efforts. Well, duh. Of course we expect to do all that. Surfacing the obvious may indeed be helpful for newbies in our field. But if you're a MarComm professional in a B2B company, you're no longer at the entry level to be chanting these lines the way others echo them in Twitter chats. (Ahem)

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9 Common Misconceptions of Social Media: Debunked

It's no secret that by now your company should be on social media (and your boss knows it too!), so why the hesitation? Because social media is a relatively "new" medium, not all companies have cracked the code to devising a strategy and are missing out on major opportunities.

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The New York Times: All's Fair in Love and Marketing

Mobile isn’t the future, it’s the present — the mobile web and mobile apps are no longer the dinghies that people use when they’re away from their yacht, their web browser on their PC. Now, it’s everything. So, it’s not just a place to dump headlines and restrict engagement. Everything needs to be accessible on mobile devices.

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9 Social Media Marketing Tips from Top Enterprise Experts [INFOGRAPHIC]

Are you wondering, what do top social media marketing experts know that the rest of us might not be so clear about? The folks at ReferralCandy have shared an infographic that covers some of the key points from New York Times bestselling author Jay Baer’s ebook, in which he interviewed 27 top enterprise digital marketers.

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mercoledì 21 maggio 2014

Content Marketing Minds: 1 Genius, 3 Minutes, 9 Vital Concepts [VIDEO]

We dissect content marketing every which way and tend to get confused and overwhelmed. But thankfully, along comes someone smart enough to simplify it for us. In this edition of #CMMinds I share with you a 3-minute video from Orbit Media Studios (and commentary) that breaks content strategy down into 9 vital and perfectly easy to understand concepts.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Reaching Prospects With CASL: What eMarketers Need to Know

Is CASL – Canada’s latest anti-spam legislation due to come into effect July 1st, 2014 – an overreaching hindrance to marketers, or an opportunity to establish new best practices and see email marketing become more effective as a result? As marketers, legislation can be a double-edged sword.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Pros and Cons of 5 of the Biggest Social Media Platforms

The choice of social media platform is definitely an important one. If you choose one that plays to the strengths and talents of your business, you’ll quickly see just how valuable social media can be. Carefully examine what each platform has to offer, and you’re sure to make the right choice that will benefit your company for years to come.

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5 Common Mistakes Businesses Make on Social Media

By now, you probably know how important social media is to any company. Businesses both large and small have the opportunity to engage with customers in news ways, making social media a vital element of any business strategy. Enacting an effective social media strategy is a whole different matter.

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SEO for Dummies: Learn SEO in 10 Simple Steps

If you are anything like most people, SEO can seem like the unwanted elephant in the room. You know your business needs to deal with it, but you don’t want to be the one responsible for this task. When most people think SEO, they assume difficult, complex, and time consuming, but it doesn’t have to be any of those things.

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eBay Just Lost 80% of its Organic Rankings: Here's Why

eBay Gets Slammed by Panda 4.0, loses approximately 80% of their first page organic listings. Poor eBay – they're having a pretty bad day. Thanks to Google’s roll-out of Panda 4.0 and the Payday Loan 2.0 update, eBay is suffering a massive loss in organic traffic and rankings. Adding insult to injury, they had to ask all users to change their passwords after a database hack.

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The Condiments Come Out On Facebook This Memorial Day

With competition at its highest, getting the attention of fans over holiday weekends can be tough. A.1., Hellmann's, Heinz and Sweet Baby Ray's have shown that with well-timed rebrands, focused content and social media-driven contests, the holidays are there for the taking.

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Social Customer Service: A Force For Change

Right now customers who engage via social channels for service are in a lottery. The odds on a good experience are mediocre. A great one is even more remote. Yet when the right competency shows up something great can happen. The evidence for this is found in increasingly frequent reports and benchmarks from social listening platform vendors.

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Finding Leads Through Facebook Advertising: Audience Targeting

A primary reason Facebook is such a powerful marketing tool is that it knows virtually everything about its users. As an advertiser, I can target users on Facebook with a granularity that goes beyond anything else in the advertising world.

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GIF-ing Up Your Marketing Emails

GIFs are fun, viral, and attention-grabbing. But before you start peppering your emails with GIFs from Reddit, here are some basic guidelines that can help you enjoy the full benefit of GIFs to capture subscribers’ attention (and prevent you from seeming like an obnoxious tween).

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What Are Millennials Starving for (Other Than Your Attention)?

Millennials make up the largest population group in the United States at 80 million people; the effects of this generation’s immense buying power can be experienced throughout the food and beverage industry. So what turns them on?

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Know Your Audience: How to Use Social Media Demographics to Market Efficiently

Many marketers don't know the different parts of their audience that use particular social media websites. This post takes a look at three main social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest) and breaks down their demographics so that marketers can have a better understanding about who they're reaching when they use these platforms.

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We're All Dorks – That's No Reason to Avoid Social Engagement

Unlike in 1981, thanks to the internet, sentiment — both positive and negative — can go somewhere. Whether or not you participate, the Internet doesn’t go away. But if you do decide to become a “social business” — be prepared. There are dorks. Everywhere.

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Social Media Fast Facts: Japan

Welcome to the latest in our social media fast facts series, where we examine social networks, local influencers and popular brands around the world. In this month’s installment, we’ll be looking at the social media in Japan. According to Comscore, Japan’s online audience is older than the global average.

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Creating a watertight marketing plan

Panda 4.0: a new Google update is now rolling out [Smart Insights alert]

How to Create a Purple Cow Social Media Marketing Strategy

The purple cow is a business analogy. Imagine for a second you are driving, and you pass a field full of cows. For most of us, this is a common occurrence, as you barely even notice the cows, let alone any individual cow. Then imagine that you see a purple cow. This purple cow has immediately captured your interest.

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McDonalds Suffers Social Media Mockery

The social media crowd can be a tough crowd, as McDonalds is painfully learning. McDonalds just introduced a new mascot for their Happy Meal, aptly named Happy. Unfortunately, a significant number of the initial responses on social media are to mock Mr Happy, suggesting a better name might be Mr Creepy.

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How to Choose Keywords That Serve User Intent

Choosing keywords is a challenge. Keyword density is a thing of the past. Metrics such as exact match search volume are becoming less important. Your #1 priority is to pair keywords with content by uncovering the semantics behind a search. Understand the user, understand the intent and then serve the intent.

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5 Hard Questions Content Marketers Must Answer

Between social media, blogging, building websites, and customer outreach, managing content marketing campaigns is far from easy. Even when it becomes routine and results are steady, there are always ways to do better, do more, and make the invested time and money even more worthwhile.

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How I Generated a Year's Worth of Leads for My Sales Team with One Event

WitMarketing is going through some pretty rapid changes over the last few years. I’m not just talking about the rise and power of inbound strategies. Sales and marketing have become components that work closer together than ever before. Communication between the two branches is crucial and strategies work best when developed together.

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4 Technology Trends Disrupting How We Communicate

Communication as we know it is being disrupted. It lives at the center of our universe and has driven our lives both B2B and B2C to a simple common existence sometimes referred to as Peer to Peer (P2P). Social, mobile, big data and cloud have changed our lives, changed the way we communicate and will continue to revolutionize the business enterprise of the future.

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Mastering Twitter Marketing to Boost Business Profits

Having trouble defining the ROI of your Twitter marketing? Looking to boost profits with social media marketing? This article spells out how you can leverage Twitter to increase your message reach, build relationships and move the needle for your business using Twitter.

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What Staged Viral Videos Can Teach You About Marketing

The key for any viral content, whether it’s a video or blog post, is unexpectedness. Though this is the most important element, it’s also the most difficult to achieve. Whether staged or spontaneous, unexpectedness is what creates an emotional hook that attracts viewers.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Risk vs. Reward with Cisco CMO, @BlairChristie [VIDEO]

Bryan Kramer speaks with Blair Christie, Chief Marketing Officer of Cisco. Blair discusses in this 20-minute interview how important role models were growing up that made her the leader and marketer she is today. She also reveals her secrets on building her online relationships both personally and professionally, which is no easy task.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media