
lunedì 29 dicembre 2014

The State of Search Marketing [Infographic]

An overview of the current use of Search Marketing

SEMPO’s 9th annual report in 2014 highlighted the client and agency views on search strategy marketing. It’s helpful for Digital Marketers planning their next strategies, looking for valuable insight into tactical steps and how ‘the evolving role of search marketing is an integrated element of the marketing mix’.

The infographic highlights:

  • 90% of companies adopt an experimental approach, except with social media.

  • 9 out of 10 respondents focus on SEO and 78% on paid search.

  • Measuring ROI from social media still remains a challenge.


Additional Resources on Search Marketing best practice available on Smart Insights include:

from Smart Insights


lunedì 1 dicembre 2014

giovedì 27 novembre 2014

4 Steps to creating a content marketing plan

A new free content planning template developed by Smart Insights and Hubspot

Regular readers may remember that, earlier in the year, we published some joint research with Hubspot to explore best practices in managing content marketing. Content marketing is still comfortably rated as the most commercially important marketing tactic for 2015 in my recent post exploring digital marketing technology options.

Although content marketing is still seen as important by many businesses, our earlier research suggested that how to develop a content marketing strategy or plan is less clear. The chart below shows that the majority of businesses surveyed didn’t have a plan, but kudos to the 44% of businesses who do have a defined strategy!


The 4 Steps to creating a content marketing plan

To help develop a content marketing plan or review existing methods, I thought it could be helpful to apply some of the planning techniques applied in our Digital planning workbook. So we again teamed up with Hubspot to create a simple 4 Step process you can follow in the Content Marketing Planning Template published today and free for download via Hubspot – it also links through to the research we completed earlier in the year.

The 4 steps that are explained in the new guide, with worked examples of templates are:

  • Step 1 Review current use of content marketing. This is a classic SWOT analysis where we have given examples of problems with content marketing programmes that are often forgotten.

  • Step 2 Content marketing objectives and KPIs This uses an efficient planning table I have developed for summarising digital plans on one page. Here, as the example shows, it links objectives, strategies and KPIs across the customer lifecycle shown as the RACE Planning approach.Planning Content Marketing Campaigns

  • Step 3 Content Gap analysis This uses a new visualisation of the Content Marketing Matrix that you may have seen before developed by Dan Bosomworth of First 10 and Smart Insights.

  • Step 4. Create a content plan timeline. This example template links different content assets with content distribution or promotion options (look out for a new Content Distribution Matrix infographic we’re publishing soon to prioritise these). I was keen to show the options for repurposing content assets during a campaign since often opportunities are missed where there is one central asset in a campaign such as a whitepaper, but it is not repurposed to give the campaign more momentum.

So, we hope that’s useful – do take a look at the free download and tell us what you think. If you have other methods of planning or visualising content marketing we’d love to hear about them in the comments or even in a blog post. For example, Chris Pile shared the Farm Digital ABC Content planning prioritisation approach.

from Smart Insights


martedì 28 ottobre 2014

6 Email Marketing Best Practice Tips

What are your recommended Email Marketing techniques?

That’s the question we posed in our recent email marketing tips competition. Thanks if you contributed a tip or shared the suggestions!

We had lots of great suggestions, so it’s a pity we don’t have a prize for all, but we have now selected 3 winners and there are 3 “highly commended” tips.

I asked our judges Chad White who offered up 3 copies of his new book Email Marketing Rules and Tim Watson, Email consultant at Zettasphere and regular Expert commentator on Smart Insights to each choose 3 tips and explain why they liked them. I then decided on a winning three based on the depth of the contributor’s insight and those who gave a specific example of a test.

Three winning Email marketing tips

Here are the “lucky winners”:

1. Alan Moir on Personalisation.

In one word: Personalisation.

Companies gather some quite useful information when getting people to sign up for a free download, receive product updates or make a purchase – name, post code, date of birth, etc. but don’t put it to good use. It still annoys me when I open an email and it says ‘Dear subscriber’ or just ‘Hello’.

On the other side of the coin, I’ve found that email open rates and interaction (in terms of replies) have increased when emails are sent from ‘a person’ and not the company. Since sending emails from instead of, open rates have gone up at least +5%. I now always receive replies from email campaigns, and subscribers really like that I personally respond to their questions/feedback instead of getting a message saying ‘this inbox is unmanned’ or an email from ‘’”

Chad White commented:

“Brands definitely collect and have access to information that they don’t put to good use serving subscribers. And while B2B brands can definitely see a boost from using the sender name of a rep, his advice to monitor and respond to replies is what turns this from a gimmick into a strategic move. Sadly, very few brands monitor and respond to replies to their promotional emails”.

2. Tarvinder. Minimalistic Text format HTML

We tested sending the same content in two formats.

1) Standard templated HTML email

2) HTML email which appears as a text email with no formatting or graphics.

We wanted to test which format resonates better for response rates.

The same test was run three times and we found there was a marked increase in click-through when sent a ‘HTML email which appears as a text email with no formatting or graphics’“.

Tim Watson says:

“This is a great tactic from Tarvinder that’s easy to implement. A classic case of just because HTML can carry bright graphics and images it doesn’t mean to say it should. Nothing screams louder ‘this is a marketing email (that can be deleted)’ than a highly graphical design. Graphics are right for consumers who signed up for product emails, say fashion, when product images are essential. But in many other verticals and particularly B2B, simple and clean copy, written like any other business email can engage far better”.

3. Stephen Parker on Testing

We’ve tested a lot of variables in our email campaigns. For us, as a B2B company representing some major electronics companies, our most successful emails were:

  • 1. Personalized

  • 2. Targeted

  • 3. Written with Compelling yet Short Subject-line copy

  • 4. Incorporated a great visual image above the fold

  • 5. Provided relevant yet various microcopy toward the bottom

However, by far our highest CTRs came from including an image of a video link (we’ve seen as much at a 3x increase versus non-video images).

Chad White says:

“A focus on personalization and targeting is a must. “Compelling yet short” is definitely the sweet spot for subject lines, in general. And his advice on using images and, in particular, video content is smart. Marketing has become highly visual so don’t ignore images and video content”.

Three Highly commended tips

4. Guillaume Berube. Have a welcome email series!

We’ve tested the numbers of emails in the series and found that 5 was the most effective to maximize sales on a 3 months period“.

Chad White advises:

“Effective on-boarding is so important and a welcome email series can be super effective. I love that he emphasized the tested needed to determine optimal onboarding messaging, and it was also cool that he found that a 5-email series was best for his company. While a 2-email series may be good for some, others may find that a series of 4 or 5 or more is best. Don’t be afraid to think big”.

5. Alex Corzo on Personalization

While personalization is great, I would strongly suggest campaigns adhere to content that is pertinent to the user’s initial request [for example, in lead generation initiatives] or the user’s historical behavior [for example, in eCommerce/transaction initiatives].”

Tim Watson comments:

“Sending the right content based on past user behavior is an advanced strategy that with ever improving technology is becoming within the grasp of more and more marketers. There really isn’t a better way than behavioural based targeting. Customers expect to get relevant content but without them having to explain what is relevant to them. Preference centres were once the only why to achieve relevance and are increasingly looking like dinosaurs. Well called Alex!”

6. Craig Swerdloff on inactives

Don’t remove seemingly inactive email subscribers unless you have to, and then only remove the least valuable subscribers first.

Tim Watson advises:

“This often cited best practice of removing inactive email subscribers seems like common sense. The only issue is the definition of inactive. It’s impossible to really divide a database into active and inactive. I’ve seen in real customer data a first purchase 835 days after sign-up. Was this person inactive? And it’s common to see an open from someone who hasn’t opened in 9 months. The ‘unless you have to’ bit Craig includes in his tip is spot on, there are specific cases when its’ the right thing to consider and manage carefully. Otherwise, just ignore the typically given best practice and spend your marketing effort on other areas”.

Thanks all for sharing! I’ve been in touch with the three winners and their books are now winging their way towards them.

from Smart Insights


giovedì 23 ottobre 2014

7 things marketers need to know about Twitter Digits [@SmartInsights alert]

Will Digits displace other user sign-in and authentication methods


Recommended link: Twitter Blog Digits announcement


This is another interesting piece of new jargon and associated tech that marketers need to ‘get their heads around’. Here’s a summary of my understanding. I’ve also gone a bit beyond the ‘copy and paste’ summaries of the announcements by digging out a couple of case study examples which show how important this could be as part of the overall digital marketing ecosystem – which is why I have unusually rated its importance as 5/5!

  • 1 Digits is a new method of signing on to mobile apps and websites developed by Twitter. Twitter says it will reduce ‘friction’, enabling users to sign in to apps more readily.

  • 2 Digits is based on signing in with mobile numbers and confirming using an SMS . It’s similar to two-step authentication already introduced by Twitter and Google in 2013 to improve user security.

  • 3 It was announced as part of Fabric at the Twitter developers conference on 22nd October 2014. Fabric is a platform of three modules that Twitter says:

addresses some of the most common and pervasive challenges that all app developers face: stability, distribution, revenue and identity. It combines the services of Crashlytics, MoPub, Twitter and others to help you build more stable apps, generate revenue through the world’s largest mobile ad exchange and enable you to tap into Twitter’s sign-in systems and rich streams of real-time content for greater distribution and simpler identity”.

  • 4 Twitter sees part of the value proposition of Digits as the lack of need for an email address. Could this be the “beginning of the end”” for email? One of the main reasons younger users are forced to adopt it is social sign-on.

  • 5 The security risk of Digits is sure to get attention. Simply, put what happens if you lose your mobile. Other fallbacks will surely be needed.

  • 6 Brands are already using Digits to extend their mobile apps. The McDonald’s Alarm App enables friends to share offers for McDonald’s food and beverages. In order to redeem the offer, a person must authenticate as a real user. Twitter says:

McDonald’s felt that social sign-ins put too much burden on a user to share personal details, and that email addresses and passwords were too often forgotten or onerous to manage. Digits enables McDonald’s to quickly authenticate real users and get them into the app with a minimum of friction

Fitstar sees it as important in emerging markets.

  • 7. You can find out more on a dedicated site. has all the info – it’s a separate site.

That’s how I see it – how important do you think Digits will be?

from Smart Insights


mercoledì 1 ottobre 2014

mercoledì 17 settembre 2014

venerdì 12 settembre 2014

Online marketers need to consider print

People still love print – sometimes more than digital – so enabling good printing is essential for online marketing success

Internet marketers live in a digital world, but they should not forget printed documents. In this article you will discover:

  • Why print is psychologically important

  • How to ensure your website is printable

  • What printed documents are worth providing

Back in 1975, Business Week magazine predicted that we would soon have a “paperless office” thanks to all the new technology being introduced at that time. Of course, here we are almost 40 years later and the paperless office is still a distant dream.

Even in this age of instant digital information, where you are not short of things to read, the chances are you also have a pile of print to wade through. The notion that digital would replace print clearly hasn’t happened. Indeed, even though the sales of ebook readers have soared, printed book sales are still healthy. Ebook sales appear to have peaked back in 2012/3, yet in the same year some 184 million printed books were sold in the UK. True, that is a fall compared with the previous year – but that was a record year thanks to “50 Shades of Grey”.

Furthermore, a study by Pew Internet showed that significant numbers of young people still want to read printed books, in spite of being brought up in a digital age.

Amazon Kindle 3

Even though you can read headlines that digital books have overtaken printed books, these stories are often misleading because the total number of books being consumed has gone up – and besides most of the digital books sold are novels. For business books, print is still king.

Why do people love print?

You would think that children brought up with digital documents would not want to print things out, nor would they want printed books and magazines. But they do. Indeed, in one study of magazine readers across all ages it was found that even though people could subscribe to digital editions of their favourite magazine, they still preferred the printed version.

So why is that? What is so enticing with print, in spite of the ease and convenience of digital? The answer lies at the end of your fingers. Your fingers include millions of touch sensors and they are vital in helping you negotiate the world around you. Indeed, they are so important the information they provide is seen as central by your brain. When we live solely in digital, our brain misses out and is a bit concerned about the lack of detail it is receiving. Indeed, research shows that we remember less from digital alone and recall more when we print things out. It is as though our brain is more sure when we are touching something.

Some people need this touch information more than others. These are known as “kinaesthetic” individuals – their brain puts a greater weighting on tactile information than other individuals. You can spot a kinaesthetic person by the things they say. They say things like “I don’t feel I understand that” or “I need to get a grip on my studies” and so on. People who have a tendency to prefer touch sensory information reflect this in the words they use which tend to reveal physicality.

Here’s the problem in the digital world. Even though all of us will include touch sense input into what we engage with, around one in three people are touch-dominant.

That means that three in every ten people who visit your website desperately want to touch your information in order to engage with it, but have to rely solely on their visual senses. It means that a sizeable proportion of your website visitors cannot properly engage with your content.

Often, these individuals will print out your web page so they can hold it, so they can feel the content and so their brains can relax a bit because they are getting the range of sensory input required. Some people still print out all their emails so they understand what they have been sent and they can therefore respond properly.

Your web pages needs to be printable

One of the problems with printing out web pages is that browsers are not very good at printing. The key material on the page gets squashed, the adverts can dominate and the pages break in inappropriate places. As a result, standard web page printing is a mess. People can use Evernote’s “Clearly” product which allows them to print out the essence of a web page, getting rid of all the “furniture” that confuses. However, unless every one of your visitors has this browser add-on, they will get poor printing.

You can, of course, avoid this issue by having a “print only” CSS file which means when someone chooses to print your web page, the print only CSS takes over and delivers a much more desirable print experience for people. If you want to print out this article you will see that Smart Insights uses a “print.css” file to ensure the printed page is easy to read.

However, this kind of thing is not always possible, due to limitations of your content management system or the web design software that is used for your website. In such instances, then preparing a “print version” of the content is a good idea. This would be as simple as taking the content, creating a PDF of it and then having that available as a download link. Kinaesthetic people would then get a sense of relief as they would be able to click on the link and get something to print.

Should you make everything printable?

If you have to turn every page of your website into a printable PDF that is going to eat into your time and other resources. So what documents do people really want to be able to print?

Clearly any downloads you have people can print out – switching off the ability to print from within a PDF can work against you. The very reason that many people want such documents is so they can print them out.

The real reasons many people want to print something out is so they can reduce risk.

Our brain is constantly evaluating everything we do in order to reduce the risks involved. It is a central component of our survival mechanisms. Risk reduction transfers to many of our day to day activities, such as buying something. We seek to reduce the risk of spending too much on the wrong things. Hence we like to be well-informed about many of the things we buy.

For people who have a high degree of tactile input requirement, printing out something is required to help them reduce their risks. That means anything on your website that involves decision-making, such as something to buy, really ought to be printable. In this way people can print out the product details and get to “feel” them, helping their brain assemble yet more sensory input as part of its desire to reduce risk.

Key things to enable printing for include:

  • Product information

  • Terms and conditions

  • Biographies and profiles

  • Anything else that involves making decisions

Even though we are in a digital age, where millions of words are read each day online, the printed word still has immense value. Ignoring print could reduce your chances of online success; enabling print can bring about greater engagement.

(By the way, I printed this out to check before I posted it.)

from Smart Insights


mercoledì 10 settembre 2014

domenica 31 agosto 2014

venerdì 29 agosto 2014

The latest changes to the Facebook algorithm [@SmartInsights alert]

Google ends Authorship functionality [@SmartInsights alert]

venerdì 22 agosto 2014

Google AdWords changes match type criteria [@SmartInsights alert]

“Close variant” keyword matching to become default by end September can increase clicks by 7% on average

Importance: (If you’re not already using this feature)

Recommended link: AdWords official announcement

Context for the change to match types

The Match types advertisers use in AdWords are important since they control whether relevant ads are displayed to searchers based on the keywords they type. This in turn affects the clickthrough rates, Quality Score and the ROI you get on your campaigns.

Here’s a reminder of the main match types from iProspect:

Match types

What is the change?

In their announcement, Google explain that starting in late September, they’re applying close variant keyword matching to all exact and phrase match keywords. Previously it was possible to opt-out of these.

Close keyword variations include Close variations include misspellings, singular and plural forms, acronyms, stemmings (such as floor and flooring), abbreviations, and accents.

Google gives this example:

“Whether it’s “kid scooters”, “kid’s scooter”, or “kids scooters”, people interested in buying a scooter for their child want to see the most relevant ads despite slight variations in their search query”.

Implications for Marketers

Whether this is relevant to you as an AdWords advertiser and whether you need to discuss with your agency or search specialists depends on whether you have opted out of using close keyword variations previously.

Google estimates that this technique drives an average of 7% more exact and phrase match clicks with comparable clickthrough and conversion rates, so if you’re not using it already it’s a technique we thought worth alerting readers about.

Google also mention a new keyword matching whitepaper which could be worth downloading if you’re not fully up-to-speed on keyword matching.

from Smart Insights


martedì 12 agosto 2014

Should you act on Google’s new HTTPS ranking signal? [@SmartInsights alert]

5 reasons why migrating all site pages may be a bad idea

Importance: (Signal currently affects only 1% of queries)

Recommended link: Google Webmaster Blog announcement

https-imageYou will know that Google uses hundreds of ranking signals to return the most relevant results for a search, plus many filters to remove spammy or duplicate results too. But it’s rare for Google to announce what these are or to disclose new signals. So, the recent announcement from the Google Webmaster Blog that use of a HTTPS (HTTP Secure) will be used as a positive ranking signal prompted many, particular retailers who will already use HTTP Secure in checkout, to take notice. Google’s precise words were:

“Over the past few months we’ve been running tests taking into account whether sites use secure, encrypted connections as a signal in our search ranking algorithms.

We’ve seen positive results, so we’re starting to use HTTPS as a ranking signal”.

You may be wondering what HTTPS is? From a user point-of-view, it’s what we see as a padlock in the browser bar when we’re on a secure page like a checkout page. From a technical point of view it uses a security certificate to authenticate a website and encrypt communications between server and client – Wikipedia has full details.

I’ve been discussing the relevance of this for Smart Insights with Stuart Miller our CTO and we think no since we already use secure HTTPS for signup and payment pages and the risks of implementing it across all site pages look to high. The reasons are:

  • 1. The signal only affects 1% of user queries according to the Google announcement. And we don’t know whether these relate to us, so the ““up side” seems small. I haven’t seen which type of queries discussed. Does anyone have any thoughts on types of queries?

  • 2. Loss of ranking due to 301 redirects. We would need to redirect our existing HTTP pages to HTTPS since they are separate pages as far as Google is concerned. Since Google doesn’t now flow all of the authority for a page to a redirected page this looks like a risk to lose traffic.

  • 3. You have to make sure all assets are secure. Each asset such as image also needs to be reassigned. If you use absolute rather than relative URLs that may cause some problems or at least redirects. Barry Schwartz on Search Engine Roundtable summarizes:

    “You need to test and then test, to make sure the HTTPS certificate doesn’t show errors to your users. There can be images, videos, and third-party includes that need to be adapted on the pages to ensure that it doesn’t give the user a security warning”.

    So that’s time consuming and could affect the user experience and conversion.

  • 4. SSL certificates have a fee. Secure sites will already have these, but other types of sites will have to pay for them.

  • 5. Pages may load more slowly. This isn’t significant (300ms in one test on this useful G+ thread by Google’s John Mueller), but ironic since Google is always telling us to take care of page load times which is also a signal.

So that’s how we see it. “No way”” currently, but one to watch for the future. What about you? I hope this summary helps you if you’re discussing making this change for your site or clients.

from Smart Insights


giovedì 31 luglio 2014

mercoledì 30 luglio 2014

How to simplify the website localisation process

How to simplify your website localisation project

geotargeting A decade or two ago the extent of most business’s online strategies would have been whether or not to bother having a website. Now there are all sorts of things to consider, from social media marketing to optimising for mobile and, if you are looking to reach an international audience, localising your website.

Localisation can be a huge project but there are ways to simplify the process. It can also be hugely important when it comes to reaching new markets. The World Wide Web theoretically puts the whole world at your fingertips but in practice there are cultural and linguistic barriers to overcome.

There’s a temptation to think that a single English language website will suffice but numerous studies have shown this is not the case. A survey by Eurobarometer found that only 18% of EU internet users who visited foreign language (typically English) websites said they would frequently buy online in a language other than their own. A more recent survey by independent researchers Common Sense Advisory, meanwhile, found that more than half (55%) of international consumers only bought from websites where information was presented in their own language. For some nationalities, such as the Japanese, this rose to 70%.

Design with localisation in mind

It can greatly simplify your future efforts if you design your website with localisation in mind from the ground up. Keep the bulk of your content relatively simple to allow for easier translation later. This includes avoiding specific cultural references, humour and images that would not necessarily translate. This doesn’t mean you should stay away from such content entirely – you want your site to be engaging to whichever audience is viewing it – but these elements should form the peripheries to a simple core message.

In design terms, some tools are better suited to adapting your website at a later time. Using cascading style sheets (CSS), for example, allows you to keep your design elements separate from your content. This means you can switch out translated content without having to redesign each page from scratch. You will also need a flexible character encoding tool such as Unicode UTF-8, which can handle non-Latin scripts such as Hebrew or Arabic, as well as incorporating ‘non-standard’ Latin characters such as the German Ä, Ö, Ü and ß.

If you already have an English language website it can be just as time-consuming to internationalise it retroactively. Creating a single versatile template can save you time and effort in the long run however. Even if you are only looking to localise for one or two target markets initially, an internationalised main site can give you the flexibility to expand to new markets in the future.

Choose your markets

Full localisation is a major undertaking and it usually makes sense to limit your efforts at first. Google Analytics can let you see the geographical spread of your existing visitors but thorough market research is also essential before making such a commitment.

It’s worth noting that some languages can help you make inroads into several different countries and territories. French, for example, is used by large populations in Canada, Belgium, Monaco and Luxembourg, as well as former French colonies in Africa and Southeast Asia while Arabic is widely used throughout North Africa and the Middle East.

It’s possible to target your efforts by language but there are usually linguistic and cultural differences between individual countries, even when they share a common language. Targeting individual countries through Google Webmasters Geotargeting will allow you much greater freedom to tailor your content and specific keywords to those particular markets. You can also boost your SEO and give your localised site a more genuinely local feel by hosting it on a country-code top level domain, such as .fr for France.

Localise your content

The most important part of the process is to make sure your website is useful, relevant and engaging to your new target market. If the bulk of your original content is kept relatively simple and universal the translation process will be simplified. Working with native speaking translators you should also be able to add a more local feel to your website, including cultural references where they are relevant. Good translators can also help you to avoid any unintentional cultural faux pas and make sure that the whole website scans naturally for your audience. You should also ensure that elements such as currencies and time and date formats are correct.

Your localised websites do not need to mirror your core English language website exactly. They need to provide the visitor with everything they need but some content is more luxury than necessity. You might feel it important to have your company history, mission statement and a ‘meet the team’ section on your main website but you might not need to recreate these pages on multiple localised sites.

Identifying influencers can be a lot of hard work, especially as new influencers constantly appear while others fade away. But it can be worth the effort, as reaching out to a relatively small group of key people could have a major knock-on effect to your marketing campaigns.

from Smart Insights


Facebook ad clickthrough rates – new research

New report reveals the effectiveness of different Facebook retargeting options


Recommended link: Facebook ad research

With the continued decline in organic reach in Facebook, opportunities for brands to get visibility for their brand page status updates is getting severely limited.


According to this Social@Ogilvy report, the organic reach of brands’ posts may soon reach zero, meaning that brands will no longer be able to reach their Facebook fans at zero cost. They recommend advertising as one option, which begs the question of the clickthrough rates and costs of Facebook ads. This new report from Facebook retargeting service AdRoll provides useful data for brands to make the case for investment in Facebook advertising.

The research shows that overall clickthrough rates of both News Feed targeting on desktop and mobile were significantly better than general web retargeting according to the report, with desktop having 8.1x higher CTR and mobile having 9.1x higher CTR. The report also shows how incremental impressions, clickthroughs and impressions compare to standard web retargeting.


The report also considers desktop and mobile ad clickthroughs and costs separately. The study demonstrates that the CPM cost of News Feed ad impressions on mobile is 57% lower than News Feed impressions on desktop, and mobile ads generate a 10% higher CTR. This results in a 61% lower

CPC for ads in the News Feed on mobile compared to the News Feed on desktop.

Although actual Facebook ad clickthroughs rates aren’t given in the report, the benchmarks from this report suggest investment in these Facebook ad retargeting options could be worth testing if you’re not already using these techniques.

The free report also has a useful introduction to different Facebook ad formats and retargeting options such as URL-based Web Custom Audience retargeting (WCA) and FBX.

from Smart Insights


lunedì 28 luglio 2014

giovedì 3 luglio 2014

Why You Should Pay for Discovery

In every web development project, at some point, the designer and the developer disappear into their offices for a period of time and come out with some finished work. During that time, they are creating universes for their client, building web pages out of lines of code and pixels, tailoring everything to the needs of the organization that site will represent.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Which Came First? The Relationship or the Business?

How might one establish a relationship before talking business? Give away some advice for free, share resources, start conversations and don’t be all about yourself, your company and the cash. Respect the fact that people have more options now than ever before, and be a resource for those in need instead of trying to hard-sell them.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


7 Ways to Be a Kicka** Blogger

Kick-ass bloggers are clear on their expertise, niche, and passion. They don’t panic and lie awake at night trying to figure out their niche. They know they are the sum of all their experiences. They look at their professional and personal journeys and know what instinctively feels right. Lack of passion leads to lack of clarity.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Social Startups: Bizible Connects All the Dots from Marketing Contributions to Revenue

“We decided to move up market to replace and expand on the Salesforce for Google AdWords product,” says Aaron Bird, co-founder and CEO of the up-and-coming marketing analytics powerhouse. “We added a number of features so companies can track ALL marketing in Salesforce and match that with revenue.”

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Where Is the Ad Spend Headed? [INFOGRAPHIC]

The biggest difference between content marketing and advertising, though, is that one of the main principles of content marketing is getting out there and marketing the marketing, which isn’t something one would typically do with a traditional print ad or a digital banner ad.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Benefits of Using Social Media Like a B2B Boss

There are all sorts of untapped marketing benefits available through social media, and when you use it like you know what you're doing, you make yourself - and your company - stand apart from the crowd. Take a look at the B2B benefits from social media use.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Why Social Media Is Essential to SEO Success

SEO has two main elements: on-page factors, which include site content, usability, and accessibility to search engines; and off-page factors, including the inbound links that influence the degree to which search engines think a site is important.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Leveraging Brand Ambassadors

Recruiting brand advocates and leveraging them as brand ambassadors is becoming an increasingly popular form of brand promotion. Word-of-mouth recommendations from family and friends continues to influence consumer purchasing decisions more than any other source of information.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


New Twitter Design Gives an Advantage to Businesses

First, the new Twitter profile page is made to look more like other social media sites such as Facebook and Google Plus. A large header that spans the top of your profile page can give your business a huge opportunity to promote your product or service.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Twitter Now Supports Animated GIFs

Perhaps taking a cue from Tumblr’s growing success, Twitter announced on June 18th that the web site, along with the Android and iOS Twitter apps, will now support animated GIFs. The announcement came, of course, via a tweet from Twitter support, and the reaction was an almost unanimous “Finally!”

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


10 Models Who Have Rocked Social Media This Year [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social media remains a popular medium for models to connect with their fans. After viewing this infographic produced by UK Models, it has become rather clear as to who is popular and admired among today’s general public. From Tyra Banks to Gisele Bundchen, these 10 models are sharing their looks but also their lives with their loyal fans.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Using Diagnostics Reports in the Sales Process

Don’t include your sales appeal in your error report. Your e-mail SIG is sufficient to convey who you are, your firm, and the solutions you provide. If and when you get a “thank you” email back from your C-suite target, you have the option of advancing the discussion.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Facebook's Been Running Psychological Experiments On You

Facebook identified 689,003 English speaking users to run a psychological experiment on, for the duration of a week. They began to manipulate the newsfeed of a group of these users to remove posts with a negative emotion attached to them, and removed all posts with a positive emotion for the other group.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Social Startups: Bizible Connects All the Dots from Marketing Contributions to Revenue

“We decided to move up market to replace and expand on the Salesforce for Google AdWords product,” says Aaron Bird, co-founder and CEO of the up-and-coming marketing analytics powerhouse. “We added a number of features so companies can track ALL marketing in Salesforce and match that with revenue.”

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Why You Should Pay for Discovery

In every web development project, at some point, the designer and the developer disappear into their offices for a period of time and come out with some finished work. During that time, they are creating universes for their client, building web pages out of lines of code and pixels, tailoring everything to the needs of the organization that site will represent.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Which Came First? The Relationship or the Business?

How might one establish a relationship before talking business? Give away some advice for free, share resources, start conversations and don’t be all about yourself, your company and the cash. Respect the fact that people have more options now than ever before, and be a resource for those in need instead of trying to hard-sell them.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


7 Ways to Be a Kicka** Blogger

Kick-ass bloggers are clear on their expertise, niche, and passion. They don’t panic and lie awake at night trying to figure out their niche. They know they are the sum of all their experiences. They look at their professional and personal journeys and know what instinctively feels right. Lack of passion leads to lack of clarity.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Where Is the Ad Spend Headed? [INFOGRAPHIC]

The biggest difference between content marketing and advertising, though, is that one of the main principles of content marketing is getting out there and marketing the marketing, which isn’t something one would typically do with a traditional print ad or a digital banner ad.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Finding Your Audience on Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC]

Most advertisers know that Facebook offers some impressive targeting capabilities. With around one fifth of the world’s population on Facebook, the reach is massive, to say the least, and combined with the granularity of Facebook’s user data the marketing opportunity really is insane.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Benefits of Using Social Media Like a B2B Boss

There are all sorts of untapped marketing benefits available through social media, and when you use it like you know what you're doing, you make yourself - and your company - stand apart from the crowd. Take a look at the B2B benefits from social media use.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Why Social Media Is Essential to SEO Success

SEO has two main elements: on-page factors, which include site content, usability, and accessibility to search engines; and off-page factors, including the inbound links that influence the degree to which search engines think a site is important.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Igniting Advocacy: Women and Weber Grills

When it comes to grills, 69% of purchase decision makers are male. But with women Grill Masters on the rise, are major grill brands shying away from male-centric content and focusing on family? We took a look at the Weber and Char-Broil Facebook communities to find out.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


America Is Talking About Summer Vacations

According to the Adobe Digital Index Travel 2014 Report, Americans will book $61 billion online between Memorial Day and Labor Day, an all-time high, up 15% YoY. The increase in smartphone screen size and data speeds combined with vastly improved mobile travel sites and applications is driving this year’s increase in bookings.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Leveraging Brand Ambassadors

Recruiting brand advocates and leveraging them as brand ambassadors is becoming an increasingly popular form of brand promotion. Word-of-mouth recommendations from family and friends continues to influence consumer purchasing decisions more than any other source of information.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Love 'Em or Leave 'Em: Staying in Love with Facebook Marketing

The chances are very high that your place of business has a Facebook page and I’m willing to bet my dog, Swayze, on the fact that you’ve seen a decline in your business’s organic reach since the beginning of the year. Do I think you should yank your business page off of Facebook? Nope. Here's why.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


New Twitter Design Gives an Advantage to Businesses

First, the new Twitter profile page is made to look more like other social media sites such as Facebook and Google Plus. A large header that spans the top of your profile page can give your business a huge opportunity to promote your product or service.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Twitter Now Supports Animated GIFs

Perhaps taking a cue from Tumblr’s growing success, Twitter announced on June 18th that the web site, along with the Android and iOS Twitter apps, will now support animated GIFs. The announcement came, of course, via a tweet from Twitter support, and the reaction was an almost unanimous “Finally!”

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


10 Models Who Have Rocked Social Media This Year [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social media remains a popular medium for models to connect with their fans. After viewing this infographic produced by UK Models, it has become rather clear as to who is popular and admired among today’s general public. From Tyra Banks to Gisele Bundchen, these 10 models are sharing their looks but also their lives with their loyal fans.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Freelancing: A Growing Market

It is hard to deny that with the advancements in technology and our reliance on it, businesses today have more accessibility to resources, and it has allowed them to collaboratively work with people online. This trend can only mean a growing market for freelancers.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How to Supercharge Your Inbound Marketing with Videos [INFOGRAPHIC]

Did you know that 3.3 million videos are uploaded everyday on Instagram, an estimated 1 million videos are uploaded everyday on Vine, and that YouTube reaches more US online adults than any cable network? These stats prove that if your business is not marketing with videos, you're missing out on potentially huge opportunities!

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Using Diagnostics Reports in the Sales Process

Don’t include your sales appeal in your error report. Your e-mail SIG is sufficient to convey who you are, your firm, and the solutions you provide. If and when you get a “thank you” email back from your C-suite target, you have the option of advancing the discussion.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Facebook's Been Running Psychological Experiments On You

Facebook identified 689,003 English speaking users to run a psychological experiment on, for the duration of a week. They began to manipulate the newsfeed of a group of these users to remove posts with a negative emotion attached to them, and removed all posts with a positive emotion for the other group.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


mercoledì 2 luglio 2014

Igniting Advocacy: Women and Weber Grills

When it comes to grills, 69% of purchase decision makers are male. But with women Grill Masters on the rise, are major grill brands shying away from male-centric content and focusing on family? We took a look at the Weber and Char-Broil Facebook communities to find out.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How to Supercharge Your Inbound Marketing with Videos [INFOGRAPHIC]

Did you know that 3.3 million videos are uploaded everyday on Instagram, an estimated 1 million videos are uploaded everyday on Vine, and that YouTube reaches more US online adults than any cable network? These stats prove that if your business is not marketing with videos, you're missing out on potentially huge opportunities!

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


America Is Talking About Summer Vacations

According to the Adobe Digital Index Travel 2014 Report, Americans will book $61 billion online between Memorial Day and Labor Day, an all-time high, up 15% YoY. The increase in smartphone screen size and data speeds combined with vastly improved mobile travel sites and applications is driving this year’s increase in bookings.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Love 'Em or Leave 'Em: Staying in Love with Facebook Marketing

The chances are very high that your place of business has a Facebook page and I’m willing to bet my dog, Swayze, on the fact that you’ve seen a decline in your business’s organic reach since the beginning of the year. Do I think you should yank your business page off of Facebook? Nope. Here's why.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Freelancing: A Growing Market

It is hard to deny that with the advancements in technology and our reliance on it, businesses today have more accessibility to resources, and it has allowed them to collaboratively work with people online. This trend can only mean a growing market for freelancers.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Finding Your Audience on Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC]

Most advertisers know that Facebook offers some impressive targeting capabilities. With around one fifth of the world’s population on Facebook, the reach is massive, to say the least, and combined with the granularity of Facebook’s user data the marketing opportunity really is insane.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Social Startups: Bizible Connects All the Dots from Marketing Contributions to Revenue

“We decided to move up market to replace and expand on the Salesforce for Google AdWords product,” says Aaron Bird, co-founder and CEO of the up-and-coming marketing analytics powerhouse. “We added a number of features so companies can track ALL marketing in Salesforce and match that with revenue.”

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Where Is the Ad Spend Headed? [INFOGRAPHIC]

The biggest difference between content marketing and advertising, though, is that one of the main principles of content marketing is getting out there and marketing the marketing, which isn’t something one would typically do with a traditional print ad or a digital banner ad.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Leveraging Brand Ambassadors

Recruiting brand advocates and leveraging them as brand ambassadors is becoming an increasingly popular form of brand promotion. Word-of-mouth recommendations from family and friends continues to influence consumer purchasing decisions more than any other source of information.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Why You Should Pay for Discovery

In every web development project, at some point, the designer and the developer disappear into their offices for a period of time and come out with some finished work. During that time, they are creating universes for their client, building web pages out of lines of code and pixels, tailoring everything to the needs of the organization that site will represent.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Which Came First? The Relationship or the Business?

So how might one establish a relationship before talking business? Give away some advice for free, share resources, start conversations and don’t be all about yourself, your company and the cash. Respect the fact that people have more options now than ever before and be a resource for those in need instead of trying to hard-sell those in need.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


7 Ways to Be a Kicka** Blogger

Kick-ass bloggers are clear on their expertise, niche, and passion. They don’t panic and lie awake at night trying to figure out their niche. They know they are the sum of all their experiences. They look at their professional and personal journeys and know what instinctively feels right. Lack of passion leads to lack of clarity.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Benefits of Using Social Media Like a B2B Boss

There are all sorts of untapped marketing benefits available through social media, and when you use it like you know what you're doing, you make yourself - and your company - stand apart from the crowd. Take a look at the B2B benefits from social media use.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Why Social Media Is Essential to SEO Success

SEO has two main elements: on-page factors, which include site content, usability, and accessibility to search engines; and off-page factors, including the inbound links that influence the degree to which search engines think a site is important.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Using Diagnostics Reports in the Sales Process

Don’t include your sales appeal in your error report. Your e-mail SIG is sufficient to convey who you are, your firm, and the solutions you provide. If and when you get a “thank you” email back from your C-suite target, you have the option of advancing the discussion.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


New Twitter Design Gives an Advantage to Businesses

First, the new Twitter profile page is made to look more like other social media sites such as Facebook and Google Plus. A large header that spans the top of your profile page can give your business a huge opportunity to promote your product or service.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Twitter Now Supports Animated GIFs

Perhaps taking a cue from Tumblr’s growing success, Twitter announced on June 18th that the web site, along with the Android and iOS Twitter apps, will now support animated GIFs. The announcement came, of course, via a tweet from Twitter support, and the reaction was an almost unanimous “Finally!”

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


10 Models Who Have Rocked Social Media This Year [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social media remains a popular medium for models to connect with their fans. After viewing this infographic produced by UK Models, it has become rather clear as to who is popular and admired among today’s general public. From Tyra Banks to Gisele Bundchen, these 10 models are sharing their looks but also their lives with their loyal fans.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Facebook's Been Running Psychological Experiments On You

Facebook identified 689,003 English speaking users to run a psychological experiment on, for the duration of a week. They began to manipulate the newsfeed of a group of these users to remove posts with a negative emotion attached to them, and removed all posts with a positive emotion for the other group.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


What Happens in Just ONE Minute on YouTube [INFOGRAPHIC]

Every 60 seconds, YouTube makes an estimated $10,654.49; at least 1,388 channel subscriptions are formed; and 100 hours of videos are uploaded. Take a look at this infographic created by YouTubeDownloader illustrating what else happens in a YouTube minute.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


New Research on How World's Biggest Brands Leverage Social Marketing

How are the world’s biggest brands leveraging social marketing for business? That seemingly straightforward question has remained unanswered from a research perspective to this point. But a new study benchmarks the current state of social marketing, as well as uncovering a number of key strategies, tactics and business implications.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Google+ on Its Third Birthday

Good luck, Google+, on your 3rd anniversary. I really like you. For now, only because of your potential and because I am always trying to impress your dad, Google. But what I would really like is to love to spend time on Google+. To leave Facebook behind and make G+ my number one social media wife. Right now, it's dead last.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


5 Principles for Creating a Social Media Following That Sticks

5 guiding principles and a couple of handy online tools to guide your social media activity, and help you create a social media following that sticks. This group of people become an asset that continues to appreciate over time; as they share, promote and re-purpose your best content.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How Niche Social Networking Sites Empower New Industries

Traditional, trade, and professional industries often miss out on social media marketing due to misconceptions about the efficacies of social media netoworks, a lack of guidance, certain ethical restrictions, and overall uncertainty in how to implement a policy when using such tools. A handful of industry disruptors are changing that.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


15 Ways to Improve Your Business Blog

Blogs designed for businesses are, in my opinion, the center of operations for any online marketing campaign. They give you complete control over the content, allow you to populate Facebook and other social channels with self-made content, and enable you to give a voice to your brand unheard on social media.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


martedì 1 luglio 2014

Which Came First? The Relationship or the Business?

So how might one establish a relationship before talking business? Give away some advice for free, share resources, start conversations and don’t be all about yourself, your company and the cash. Respect the fact that people have more options now than ever before and be a resource for those in need instead of trying to hard-sell those in need.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Why You Should Pay for Discovery

In every web development project, at some point, the designer and the developer disappear into their offices for a period of time and come out with some finished work. During that time, they are creating universes for their client, building web pages out of lines of code and pixels, tailoring everything to the needs of the organization that site will represent.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


7 Ways to Be a Kicka** Blogger

Kick-ass bloggers are clear on their expertise, niche, and passion. They don’t panic and lie awake at night trying to figure out their niche. They know they are the sum of all their experiences. They look at their professional and personal journeys and know what instinctively feels right. Lack of passion leads to lack of clarity.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Where Is the Ad Spend Headed? [INFOGRAPHIC]

The biggest difference between content marketing and advertising, though, is that one of the main principles of content marketing is getting out there and marketing the marketing, which isn’t something one would typically do with a traditional print ad or a digital banner ad.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


10 Models Who Have Rocked Social Media This Year [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social media remains a popular medium for models to connect with their fans. After viewing this infographic produced by UK Models, it has become rather clear as to who is popular and admired among today’s general public. From Tyra Banks to Gisele Bundchen, these 10 models are sharing their looks but also their lives with their loyal fans.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Social Startups: Bizible Connects All the Dots from Marketing Contributions to Revenue

“We decided to move up market to replace and expand on the Salesforce for Google AdWords product,” says Aaron Bird, co-founder and CEO of the up-and-coming marketing analytics powerhouse. “We added a number of features so companies can track ALL marketing in Salesforce and match that with revenue.”

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Leveraging Brand Ambassadors

Recruiting brand advocates and leveraging them as brand ambassadors is becoming an increasingly popular form of brand promotion. Word-of-mouth recommendations from family and friends continues to influence consumer purchasing decisions more than any other source of information.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Benefits of Using Social Media Like a B2B Boss

There are all sorts of untapped marketing benefits available through social media, and when you use it like you know what you're doing, you make yourself - and your company - stand apart from the crowd. Take a look at the B2B benefits from social media use.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Why Social Media Is Essential to SEO Success

SEO has two main elements: on-page factors, which include site content, usability, and accessibility to search engines; and off-page factors, including the inbound links that influence the degree to which search engines think a site is important.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Using Diagnostics Reports in the Sales Process

Don’t include your sales appeal in your error report. Your e-mail SIG is sufficient to convey who you are, your firm, and the solutions you provide. If and when you get a “thank you” email back from your C-suite target, you have the option of advancing the discussion.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


New Twitter Design Gives an Advantage to Businesses

First, the new Twitter profile page is made to look more like other social media sites such as Facebook and Google Plus. A large header that spans the top of your profile page can give your business a huge opportunity to promote your product or service.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Twitter Now Supports Animated GIFs

Perhaps taking a cue from Tumblr’s growing success, Twitter announced on June 18th that the web site, along with the Android and iOS Twitter apps, will now support animated GIFs. The announcement came, of course, via a tweet from Twitter support, and the reaction was an almost unanimous “Finally!”

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


What Happens in Just ONE Minute on YouTube [INFOGRAPHIC]

Every 60 seconds, YouTube makes an estimated $10,654.49; at least 1,388 channel subscriptions are formed; and 100 hours of videos are uploaded. Take a look at this infographic created by YouTubeDownloader illustrating what else happens in a YouTube minute.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


New Research on How World's Biggest Brands Leverage Social Marketing

How are the world’s biggest brands leveraging social marketing for business? That seemingly straightforward question has remained unanswered from a research perspective to this point. But a new study benchmarks the current state of social marketing, as well as uncovering a number of key strategies, tactics and business implications.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How to Protect Your Reputation from a Social Media Crisis

With more information being created and shared online, it’s essential that organizations protect their reputation from a social media crisis. Here are four key areas to consider to help organizations navigate the new landscape, protect their reputations and ensure they avoid getting into legal hot water.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


3 Things You Must Do to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

More and more professionals are using LinkedIn as a sales tool. You want to be able to stand out from the crowd, so I am going to share with you 3 valuable tips to improve your LinkedIn profile that will help you be near the top of the list when people are searching for someone in your industry.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Google+ on Its Third Birthday

Good luck, Google+, on your 3rd anniversary. I really like you. For now, only because of your potential and because I am always trying to impress your dad, Google. But what I would really like is to love to spend time on Google+. To leave Facebook behind and make G+ my number one social media wife. Right now, it's dead last.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


lunedì 30 giugno 2014

Gain Consumer Confidence by Respecting Privacy With Your Big Data Marketing

Digital marketers seem to be too engrossed in using more innovative means of marketing their business that there is one aspect of their digital marketing that should be a high concern yet often neglected as it can give a better and a long term turning point of their business success and that is privacy.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Best Tactics to Generate More Leads from Facebook and Twitter

One of the biggest misconceptions about social media sites is that they are just only for brand awareness and not for generating leads. If you consider the same, your business is missing out a lucrative marketing channel. Instead, of getting distracted with the counts of Facebook “likes “and Twitter “followers”, focus on the statistics that can contribute to your revenue.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Who Leads Your Social Activities? Does It Matter?

As organisations evolve engagement with customers through social and mobile channels, customers are responding and engaging with both organisations and each other and there are new disciplines emerging across organisations whose role it is to lead and manage these engagements.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Facebook's Been Running Psychological Experiments On You

Facebook identified 689,003 English speaking users to run a psychological experiment on, for the duration of a week. They began to manipulate the newsfeed of a group of these users to remove posts with a negative emotion attached to them, and removed all posts with a positive emotion for the other group.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


5 Principles for Creating a Social Media Following That Sticks

5 guiding principles and a couple of handy online tools to guide your social media activity, and help you create a social media following that sticks. This group of people become an asset that continues to appreciate over time; as they share, promote and re-purpose your best content.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


15 Ways to Improve Your Business Blog

Blogs designed for businesses are, in my opinion, the center of operations for any online marketing campaign. They give you complete control over the content, allow you to populate Facebook and other social channels with self-made content, and enable you to give a voice to your brand unheard on social media.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Patient Opinion Leaders Are the New Healthcare Influencers

The pharmaceutical industry has historically invested enormous amounts of money into identifying and engaging with those medical influencers who can potentially make or break its new therapies. These ‘super influencer’ doctors, known as Key Opinion Leaders are the ones other prescribers look to for guidance.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Emotions of Social Sharing

We live in a time when emotions are high because they’re publicly shared, and displayed, in social media. In essence, we’ve opened up “Pandora’s Box” filled with emotions, both positive and negative, for all to see. Regardless of the sentiment of the emotion shared, sharing our feelings with each other builds connection, which equates to relationships.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


17 Business Website Mistakes That Push Your Customers Away

Remember, your website’s number one goal is to take your customer fluidly from browsing to purchasing without getting lost in the design. If you’re not reaching your desired sales goal, despite your awesome marketing efforts, it might have something to do with your website’s design.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How Niche Social Networking Sites Empower New Industries

Traditional, trade, and professional industries often miss out on social media marketing due to misconceptions about the efficacies of social media netoworks, a lack of guidance, certain ethical restrictions, and overall uncertainty in how to implement a policy when using such tools. A handful of industry disruptors are changing that.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How Air Guitar Became a Template for All My Creative Marketing Strategy

"In late 2012, I embarked on the biggest creative challenge of my life. Ten months later, I would be crowned the World Champion of Air Guitar." Take a cue from the world champion of competitive air guitar, who reverse engineered a winning routine in what has become a template for all creative marketing strategy going forward.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Social and Digital Body Language: 105 Factors Impacting Business and Personal Brands

As I have always shared with our clients, students, and loyal blog readers, social media marketing is both art and science. It is dangerous to get so caught up in the tools and technology that you lose sight of why you are doing it in the first place.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How to Hire a PR Firm: 10 Tips to Finding the Right Match

So, you’re thinking it’s time to hire a PR firm? Great, I can help! I have hired 6 or 7 (and fired a few). While the process might seem simple, in truth it is hard to do well. By “well” I mean hiring the right firm, for the right reasons, with goals set to deliver a positive impact. Here are ten tips to guide you.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


3 Steps to Demystifying Social Media Personalities

It's important to adjust your brand’s message and voice to each marketing channel for the purpose of achieving real engagement within social media communities. But what exactly are the best ways to do that? Here’s a three-point primer on speaking the language of these new lands while remaining true to your brand.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


5 Key Benefits of In-House Digital Advertising [INFOGRAPHIC]

Digital leaders realize they no longer need to funnel online advertising budgets through multiple third parties. "If you bring that team in-house, you have an opportunity to share cross-channel findings, be agile, to do more with programmatic," says Kathy O'Dowd, senior manager for programmatic buying in North America at Netflix.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The 9 Website Performance Metrics That Matter

When it comes to marketing your business online, simply having a website isn't enough to make your brand successful. There are several ways to measure your website marketing performance, all of which you should be analyzing on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Crash Course: LinkedIn Showcase Pages 101

LinkedIn introduced Showcase Pages as a replacement several months ago, but it seems marketers haven’t taken advantage of this feature yet. Regardless of whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, it’s crucial to have a corporate presence on LinkedIn.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


“Truly Integrated Marketing is the holy grail for the marketeer”

domenica 29 giugno 2014

Yo. Srsly?

If something like Yo appeals to us so that we can simply let people know we’re thinking about them, but need an app to do it, it says something about our so-called digital life, our dependence on technology and society overall. Perhaps there’s something to the rising trend of digital detox retreats after all.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Analytics Strategies to Measure Social Signals

Tracking down the social media reach of your business is not enough. You need to dig deeper into your social analytics undertaking by tracking down its social engagement as well. As the number of your social media followers starts growing, it is crucial to know whether you are attracting social users who are interested in converting for your business.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


From Good to Better: Social Media Changes to Enhance User Experience

Different social media platforms have been bringing about various types of updates to their products and services. These updates have helped to enhance user experience and bring about a change in the way social media is used for businesses these days.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


The Big Brand Theory: The X Games

With its vast library of professionally created sports images, one of the X Games' big endeavors is the sharing of images through social sharing. As the brand moves more into image-based social media Richman says, “I’m hoping that we’re thinking first about content distribution as much as we’re thinking about making great content.”

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


How to Perk Up Your Dying Facebook Page

You have to remember that people see Facebook as a fun social sphere where they go to connect with friends and enjoy. Your goal of enticing them to become your customers should never go against this principle. Hence, you should avoid hard-selling tactics that can portray you as an aggressive business outsider.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media


Content is Only as Good as Its Shareability

It’s no secret that inbound marketing has become exceedingly popular over the past several years. “78% of chief marketing officers think custom content is the future of marketing.” What makes this so interesting is that the increase in demand for superior content relies on one factor exclusively; social media.

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from Social Media Today - The world's best thinkers on social media