
giovedì 25 giugno 2015

Announcing the new Smart Insights Marketplace

Improve the visibility of your digital marketing services

If you supply digital marketing services, as a consultant, agency, vendor, or if you have created a useful service for marketers, then our Digital Marketing Marketplace is the perfect place to showcase your product or service and generate relevant leads.

Smart Insights readers are hungry to learn about tools and services available to improve the effectiveness of their digital marketing. Learning how to improve their digital marketing is why they are on our site!

Smart Insights Marketplace

Unlike other supplier directories

A listing on the Smart Insights marketplace will get your business seen by our readers, because unlike other supplier directories, the Smart Insights marketplace is integrated throughout our site giving contextual listings of services. So, if a member is reading about Email marketing or Marketing Automation, they will be recommended tools and services in this area as shown here:

Email Marketing

Within the marketplace there are options to search by location and vertical sector too, so you will feature more highly as searchers drill-down to look for services.

How will this help my business?

Suppliers with enhanced profile listings benefit from being ranked at the top of the listing, more detailed profiles in multiple categories and a link through to services pages on their site. They can also contribute blog articles to the site to help position themselves as an opinion former.

Smart Insights has over 125,000 registered members and with over 2 million visits each year, we have been rated as the second-largest UK-based blog, but have a worldwide audience. So no matter where you are based, you can be sure your marketplace listing will be being seen by relevant people in your region. What is more, over 60% of our users are business decision makers, with the word director or manager in their profiles.

Get started today with a standard listing

You can be featured in the the marketplace for free by creating a standard listing including web address, but this option does not allow you to add a business logo or link to your site to get relevant clickthroughs from us.

Enhanced listings

By purchasing an enhanced listing you will be able to add a link and logo plus customer testimonials to your site. You can also feature in 5 service types and 5 service sectors, and you will benefit from a higher ranking in listings. This will mean your listing will get more traffic than a standard listing.

By purchasing an enhanced listing, you also have the option of receiving a Smart Insights review of your service, enhancing your reputation with a recommendation from an un-biased third-party who is respected in their industry. In addition the enhanced listing gives you the option of submitting 1 blog posts to us per quarter, which if they are relevant to our members will help you tap into our readership of over quarter of a million monthly unique visitors.

Find out more and start setting up your Smart Insights marketplace listing » Click Here.


from Smart Insights

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