
martedì 14 luglio 2015

Facebook newsfeed update [#SmartInsights Alert]

New update to the Facebook news feed: users can give preference to updates from certain friends and brands.


Approximately 27 percent of the average Facebook users time on the platform is spent on the newsfeed. Facebook has every reason to want to maintain or increase this stat. The newsfeed is where promoted posts appear and thus where it makes the vast majority of its advertising revenue. This means Facebook is constantly looking to tweak the newsfeed to deliver the best possible experience for its users to encourage them to keep spending so much of their time there.

Facebook newsfeed preferences

So it came as no surprise that Facebook announced last week that it would be updating the newsfeed to add new ways for users to control what they see.

The update has added four new ways which Facebook users can use to tweak what content is delivered to their newsfeed. All of these have important implications for people marketing their business via Facebook.

1. Prioritise who to see first

The fastidious among us will know that Facebook should have called this feature ‘prioritise whom to see first’, but that’s a different matter. The feature allows users to select friends and pages that they want to never miss an update from. Once selected, posts from these people or businesses will always appear at the top of the users newsfeed, above everything else. If you are using Facebook really effectively to promote your brand this update could be great news for you. It will mean instead of always fighting against Facebook’s low organic page reach to engage your fans, your updates will always be seen by those people who decide to prioritise your page. It won’t be easy to get people to prioritise you however. Facebook users tends to like interacting with their friends, so to get them to consciously decide updates from your page are more interesting and valuable to them than news from their own friends you’ll have to be doing something extra special.

Facebook newsfeed preferences

2. Select pages to unfollow

Facebook users could already unfollow pages so that they would no-longer see updates from them in their newsfeed. However to do this users had to go to the page they wanted to unfollow, or unfollow them directly from their posts when they appear in the newsfeed via a dropdown menu that many people wouldn’t be aware of. This new feature means users will be able to easily scroll through their pages and unfollow them with a single click. That means if your Facebook page is posting a lot of content that isn’t interesting to your users and is merely trying to promote yourself without offering value, you could see your organic page reach decline further.

Facebook preferences

3. Reconnect with people you unfollowed

If the second feature sounded like bad news for brands using Facebook, this feature is the exact opposite. It allows Facebook users to browse through the pages they unfollowed, and lets them follow them again (or did they un-unfollow them?). Normally the chances of someone thinking to follow your page once they have unfollowed you are very low, as they wouldn’t be seeing posts from you. However with this feature a re-branding of your Facebook could really pay off because users would see a change in your Facebook page and might consider following you again as a result. I doubt pages will see a huge difference in engagement from this feature, but every little helps.

Reconnect with people you've unfollowed 4. Find new pages to connect to

This feature might be the best for SMEs using Facebook that don’t have the money for major campaigns promoting their page. The tool will show users pages that Facebook thinks they might be interested in, based on other pages they have liked in the past. This could be a great way to get your page seen by a wider audience without having to advertise your page. Facebook have not confirmed this, but from their post it seems that people scrolling though pages will be shown the latest 4 photos posted by your page. So make sure to keep the photos you are posting to a good standard so that they help tempt people to like your page when there browsing with this tool.

Find new Facebook pages

from Smart Insights

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